Did You Just Move Here?

woman movingDid you just move here? A lot of people did. The latest stats from snntv.com indicate that nearly 1000 people move here every day and many are coming from northern states like New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut. According to move.org, Florida was the most moved to state in 2020.

For some divorcees, that means moving out of state to be closer to family, a new job, or to start a new adventure. If you’re planning on relocating to another state after your divorce, make sure you start out on the right path.

If your divorce decree creates continuing obligations between you and your ex-spouse, you need to let your spouse know about your move. For example, if you are receiving or providing alimony or child support, your ex-spouse should be able to locate you.

Can You Move Out of State With Children?

If you are a parent, the procedures for moving to a new state might be more complicated since your move will affect not only you but also your children and your ex-spouse. Generally, you can only move a child out of state with the other parent or court’s permission.

We can assist you in recording your divorce decree in a Florida court. This is make it easier for you to enforce the stipulations in the decree. Call out office for an appointment.

Steven W. Hair, focuses his practice as a divorce attorney, family law attorney in Clearwater, Palm Harbor, and Safety Harbor.

For more information, visit our website at www.FamilyLawClearwater.com
or call (727) 726-0797.


Why Are You Getting a Divorce?

gamblerThere are many reasons why people get a divorce

Someone Isn’t Trying

It takes two people working together to keep it together. One person can’t do it by themselves. Marriage takes work and commitment. A lack of commitment will really contribute towards a divorce happening.

Not That Much in Common

As time goes on, your interests change. You may find that you don’t have as much in common as you to. In the early days, you had infatuation to keep you interested. As time goes by, infatuation naturally goes away. Real love is when you want to be together after the infatuation goes away. You can work to find common interests that you both enjoy.


This one is a biggie. And it’s not always the man. Twenty percent of men cheat, but 13 percent of women cheat. When this comes out in the open, it is very hard to overcome. Some people are able to work through the infidelity and get past it, but most people get divorced.

Bad Behavior

Sometimes there is abuse, physical or mental. Frequent demeaning comments can be more painful than a slap in the face. Addiction of one of the spouses can be difficult to overcome, particularly if there are financial consequences.

Regardless of the reason, perhaps you are ready to talk about a divorce. Call our office and make an appointment with Steve Hair. Steven W. Hair, focuses his practice as a divorce attorney, family law attorney in Clearwater, Palm Harbor, and Safety Harbor.

For more information, visit our website at www.FamilyLawClearwater.com
or call (727) 726-0797.