What If He Doesn’t Pay Child Support?

divorceYou’ve probably heard stories about deadbeat dads that don’t pay any child support. If you are getting a divorce, you may be wondering if that could happen to you. Actually the penalties are stiff in Florida, and there is a mechanism on place for enforcement.

How long can you go without paying child support in Florida?

Actually, the paperwork starts after 15 days. You can confiscate their bank account, their tax refunds and put a lien on their car. If gone unpaid for too long, child support delinquency becomes a felony. You are four months past due, and you owe $2,500 or more you could be in big trouble. If the delinquency plus fees are not paid within 20 days, a judgment is entered against the respondent. The judgment becomes a lien against any real property owned by the respondent.

Case number & Social Security Number required
Make payments and access your account online 24/7

How do you enforce child support in Florida?

The most common way to enforce a child support order is by filing a “motion for civil contempt.” Filing this motion (written request) tells the court that you have a valid child support order in place, and the noncustodial parent is behind on payments.

Florida State Disbursement Unit1-877-769-02517:30 am to 6 pm EST, Monday-Friday

  • Automated payment information
  • Direct deposit or Visa Prepaid Card information
  • Report lost/stolen check(s)
  • Change your address

Case number & Social Security Number required
Make payments and access your account online 24/7

Steve Hair can help you with enforcement. Steven W. Hair, focuses his practice as a divorce attorney, family law attorney in Clearwater, Palm Harbor, and Safety Harbor.

For more information, visit our website at www.FamilyLawClearwater.com
or call (727) 726-0797.