Annulment in Florida

annulmentSo maybe you got married and shortly thereafter, you realized that you had made a mistake. Maybe you thought you should just apply for an annulment. In Florida, if you have spent any time at all together, you are going to have to get a full blown divorce.

What does it mean to consummate a marriage?

In the context of marriage, consummation means the actualization of marriage. It is the first act of sexual intercourse after marriage between a husband and wife. Consummation is particularly relevant under canon law, where failure to consummate a marriage is a ground for divorce or an annulment.

How long after marriage can you get an annulment in Florida?

In Florida, there is no time period after your marriage in which you can get an annulment if your marriage is not working out. If your marriage is not working out and you want to end it, you have to get a dissolution of marriage – a divorce. An annulment typically involves some type of fraud.

What qualifies for an annulment in FL?

Under Florida law, only marriages which involve bigamy (married to more than one person), incest, or parties of the same sex are void. Conversely, a union has grounds to obtain an annulment if it was obtained by fraud, duress, or temporary insanity.

If you have only been together a short time, and there is no dispute about property, and no one is pregnant, you can probably get an uncontested divorce, which would be relatively inexpensive, and about as easy as an annulment.

Steven W. Hair, focuses his practice as a divorce attorney, family law attorney in Clearwater, Palm Harbor, and Safety Harbor.

For more information, visit our website at
or call (727) 726-0797.

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