Category Archives: Uncategorized

Child Support: What If He Says He is Not Making any Money?

If you are going through a divorce and have children, you and your spouse will need to work out a child support arrangement, including who has to pay and how much the monthly obligation will be. However, what if you … Continue reading

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Types of Divorces

There are a lot of ways to skin a cat. And, there are a lot of ways to get divorced. It all depends on your situation. Do you have children? Are there assets to be divided? Is your relationship with … Continue reading

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Before You Give Up

Relationships are tough. They take work. Sometimes it might seem easier just to throw in the towel. However, that brings a whole new set of problems. Maybe before you give up, you should try a few things to see if … Continue reading

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What About Pets in a Divorce

So maybe you never really thought about the pets. You have so many other issues to resolve. You probably just assumed that Fido would just come along with you. However, even though they are alive and considered family members, they … Continue reading

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Joint Custody Advice

These days, sole custody is not as common as it used to be. The trend these days is towards joint custody and not excluding either parent from the opportunity to spend time with their child. Refer Huffington Post First, get … Continue reading

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Therapist Advice for Couples

According to the Huffington Post Nov 1, 2016. Therapists often see couples facing a very real dilemma: After years and years together, one or both partners no longer feel as “in love” as they were before. Is it possible to … Continue reading

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What Happens if your New Love Moves In?

OK, so you’ve moved on and found a new love. Is that a problem as far as your divorce  situation? It’s not likely to affect your child care arrangement as long as there are no behavior problems with your new … Continue reading

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Do You Have to Give Visitation Rights If He Isn’t Paying Child Support

Parental Rights. When a marriage ends in divorce, a father’s right to custody and visitation with his child is typically set forth in the divorce decree. If the child lives with his mother, she is considered the custodial parent and … Continue reading

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Things to Avoid in a Relationship

No good divorce attorney wants to see a couple end up in divorce if they can help it. If you are trying to maintain your relationship, here are some things to avoid. Thanks to the Huffington Post. 1. Angry reactions to … Continue reading

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Dating After Divorce

You may have been married for quite a while. You may have forgotten the etiquette in the dating scene. Here are some tips from the Huffington Post on things not to discuss on a date. Trashing Your Ex Sharing your … Continue reading

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