Category Archives: Uncategorized

Be Careful Asking for a Prenuptial Agreement

Many people believe a Prenuptial Agreement, or prenup, is a bad idea because it implies they are planning on a divorce at the same time they’re planning a wedding. But the truth is, a Prenuptial Agreement protects both spouses financially … Continue reading

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What to Do if Your Spouse Won’t Sign the Divorce Papers

Couples who are getting divorced often have trouble agreeing on anything. In many cases, they don’t even agree on getting a divorce in the first place. And when that happens, one spouse may refuse to sign the divorce papers. Or … Continue reading

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You Thought You had It Bad

Divorce is painful and expensive. It hurts to split the marital assets. You probably have to live a more modest lifestyle. However, some people pay more than you. Kelsey Grammer  30 Million Reba McEntire 47 Million Paul McCartney 48 Million … Continue reading

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Social Media and Divorce

Social Media has become more and more a central part of many people’s lives, and not just young people. How many people are on social media? Social media usage is one of the most popular online activities and in 2021, 82 … Continue reading

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What If He Doesn’t Pay Child Support?

You’ve probably heard stories about deadbeat dads that don’t pay any child support. If you are getting a divorce, you may be wondering if that could happen to you. Actually the penalties are stiff in Florida, and there is a … Continue reading

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Getting Started With a Divorce

Getting divorced is a traumatic sobering experience. Be prepared and get ready. Get legal representation.  Finding a kind compassionate attorney that you are comfortable with will reduce the pain. You are probably going to hear some things that you aren’t … Continue reading

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Questions To Ask Your Divorce Attorney

What is your background? Are you a family law attorney? It that you the area you spend most of your time on, or do you practice other specialties also? How long have you been practicing family law? How are your … Continue reading

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Financial Disclosures

If you are going to get a divorce, you have to disclose your financial information in court, where the whole world can see it. There is no getting around this. Filing a Florida Financial Affidavit is required. You are going … Continue reading

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Did You Just Move Here?

Did you just move here? A lot of people did. The latest stats from indicate that nearly 1000 people move here every day and many are coming from northern states like New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut. According to, Florida … Continue reading

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Why Are You Getting a Divorce?

There are many reasons why people get a divorce Someone Isn’t Trying It takes two people working together to keep it together. One person can’t do it by themselves. Marriage takes work and commitment. A lack of commitment will really … Continue reading

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