Category Archives: Uncategorized

How much does the divorce cost?

Divorce is painful, but it is also expensive. There are a variety of factors that do into a divorce. Temporary Orders If there are children involved, you need to reach an agreement as to who is going to pay what … Continue reading

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Who is the Dad?

When a married couple has children, it is normally assumed that the husband is the father. However, this may not be the case. Also, when an unwed mother has a child, the paternity of the father may be very much … Continue reading

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Gambling Addiction

Last week was Super Bowl Sunday. While that was probably fun for many people, for, people with relationship problems, it can be a dreaded day. It is certainly a day for excessive drinking, up there with New Years Eve. It … Continue reading

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Who Gets the House?

Getting divorced is a difficult time, and one of the big issues that has to be decided is who gets the house. This of course depends upon your circumstances. After the divorce, who has the resources? Which party would be … Continue reading

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Getting Back Together

You’ve heard of couples getting remarried after getting a divorce. It is possible. Studies reveal that between 10 and 15 percent of married couples who separate eventually reconcile. The first thing you should do, if your are considering this, is to … Continue reading

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Different Types of Custody Arrangements

Thinking about getting a divorce? Do you have children? You need to have a custody arrangement. There are different types – sole custody, joint custody, and primary physical custody. Sole Custody One parent who is awarded exclusive rights surrounding the … Continue reading

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Modification of Orders

Has it been a while since your divorce? Perhaps you think that things have changed and the orders which were made from the divorce court long longer seem to be appropriate. According to the Florida Department of Revenue, you might … Continue reading

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Choosing a Divorce Attorney

Going through a divorce is a difficult process. You want to make sure that you pick an attorney who can make that process easier. First you should have a meeting. I think you will find that Steve Hair is extremely … Continue reading

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Collecting Child Support

In order to enforce child support, you must have a child support order signed by a judge and filed with a court clerk’s office. If you don’t already have a court-approved child support order on file, you’ll need to take … Continue reading

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Same Sex Divorce

Everyone knows there are same sex marriages. That means there are also same sex divorces. The consequences are no less significant. There are assets involved, and sometimes children. You may need a competent attorney. Do same sex couples get divorces … Continue reading

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