Category Archives: Uncategorized

Choosing a Divorce Attorney

. If possible, Pick an attorney who has had a good experience with someone you know. Look around your circle of friends and identify the ones who have had a divorce recently. Ask them if they would be willing to … Continue reading

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Deciding About the House

One of the first issues to decide when contemplating a divorce is who is going to get the house. If there are children involved, many people would expect that the wife should stay in the family home. However, this may … Continue reading

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Are You in a Toxic Relationship?

Some relationships are better than others, but is yours toxic? Dr. Lillian Glass, a California-based communication and psychology expert who says she coined the term in her 1995 book Toxic People, defines a toxic relationship as “any relationship [between people who] … Continue reading

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Deciding What to Ask For

One of the most painful parts of the divorce process is splitting up the family assets. You need to figure out what you are going to ask for. In order to do that, you need to understand the process. The … Continue reading

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Taxes and Divorce

Before, during and after the divorce, there are some things about taxes to consider when making decisions. For example, consider the write off for dependents. You normally give the deduction to the custodial parent. However, if the non custodial parent … Continue reading

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Dating After Divorce

I know it sounds scary. It has probably been a while. Your social skills might be rusty. If you don’t feel that you are ready, that’s OK. But if there is not good reason not to, why not? No sense … Continue reading

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Pet Custody

When you think about divorce, one of the first things you think about is child custody. However, what you may not think about is that pets become like family members, both parties may be extremely attached to that pet, and … Continue reading

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Unwed Fathers and their Rights

We all pretty much know the basics of how a divorce works when the parents are married. How about when the parents are not married. The assumption is the the courts will rule in favor of the mother. That is … Continue reading

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Divorce Among Seniors

According to the Wall Street Journal, the percentage of seniors getting a divorce has increase in recent years. This could be because people are living longer. It could be because divorce has lost it’s stigma. It could be because people … Continue reading

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Moving Out

If you have decided to get a divorce, it seems natural to move out of the family home. Many people assume that if you move out of the house, that you are relinquishing your rights to the home. It might … Continue reading

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