Category Archives: Uncategorized

Selling Your House During a Divorce

Your first thought might have been that maybe the court wouldn’t want you to sell the house until your finances are resolved. On the contrary. If you don’t have children and neither of you can afford the house individually, it … Continue reading

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Are You Ready For a Divorce?

When you first started seeing each other, everything was a garden of roses. Life was good. Then, as time goes by, perhaps things weren’t so rosy. No marriage is perfect. But how bad does it need to be before you … Continue reading

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The Court System and the Virus

The court system, like every other part of society, had been affected by the virus. Here in Pinellas County, prisoner visitation has been on video for years, and not face to face. The coronavirus pandemic has crippled the U.S. court … Continue reading

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Temporary Orders

The first thing that happens when you initiate a divorce is that temporary orders are issued. For many fathers, this is a time of sobering realization. You come face to face with the financial obligation that you are going to … Continue reading

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Divorce and Coronavirus

According to ABC News April 17, 2020. A wave of divorce filings is expected to break across the country when COVID-19 confinement ends, according to several divorce attorneys. While access to courts is now limited, “when those restrictions are lifted, … Continue reading

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Advantages of mediation

The most obvious advantage of mediation is that it is less expensive. Mediation saves both time and money. In a recent  study, divorcing couples reached agreement significantly more quickly when mediating, saving around 2 ½ to 3 ½ months in … Continue reading

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Steven Hair -Florida Supreme Court Certified Family Law Mediator

Steven W. Hair has become a Florida Supreme Court Certified Family Law Mediator. In order to become a Florida Supreme Court certified mediator, an applicant must meet the education requirement, complete a Florida Supreme Court approved mediation certification course in … Continue reading

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New Years Divorce

It seems that there are always an increase in the number of divorces filed right after the first of the year. Apparently the New Years resolutions frequently involve getting out of an unpleasant situation. Also, apparently  affairs are often discovered … Continue reading

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Custody with Unmarried Parents

When going through a divorce, child custody is usually one of the most significant and most hotly contested issues. And it is difficult enough when the parents are married, but what about when they are not married? If you are … Continue reading

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Child Custody Disputes

The number one most significant issue in a divorce is child custody. This is an area where your divorce attorney can be of major importance. While some spouses file for sole custody in divorce, others settle for joint custody. Today, … Continue reading

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