Category Archives: Uncategorized

What if I Change My Mind?

It doesn’t happen often but it does happen. Maybe the ink is barely dry on the divorce and things change and you want to undo the divorce. For those who want to reverse the divorce in order to change the … Continue reading

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Social Media and Divorce

For many people, social media is a part of their daily life. Many people start their day by checking Facebook to see what their friends and relatives have been up to. Many people make regular postings, leaving a paper trail … Continue reading

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No Lawyer Divorce

Divorce can be expensive and when a couple is splitting up, that can be a time when finances are tapped more than usual. Unfortunately, sometimes people just can’t afford to get a divorce and not getting divorced might expose you … Continue reading

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About Prenuptial agreements

A prenuptial agreement is a legal agreement entered into between two people before they are married that that can cover a wide variety of issues centered on property rights and assets. In addition to the traditional role that most people … Continue reading

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The Value of a Business

Before you filed for divorce, the business owner probably considered the business extremely valuable, and the spouse was not so sure. After you file for divorce, the business owner may not be so sure, but the spouse’s attorney may now … Continue reading

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Grandparents visitation

Maybe that’s something you hadn’t thought about. Grandparents visitation. Do Grandparents Have Rights to See Grandchildren If the Parents Don’t Want Them To? No matter how close grandparents are to their grandchildren, they rarely have a legal right to visitation … Continue reading

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Taking the Child Out of State

While parents are married, neither parent needs the other’s consent to take the children out of state. However, if during the course of their divorce a temporary custody order has been put in place the mother may need the father’s … Continue reading

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Mediation – Get it in Writing

Mediation is a good tool to reduce the costs of a divorce. Steve Hair is a proponent of Divorce Mediation “Pro Se” “No Lawyer Divorce” An increasing number of couples today are choosing an uncontested approach to divorce. Even more … Continue reading

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Addiction and Divorce

Addiction is a terrible thing. Unless you have experienced it, it is almost impossible to understand. “Why don’t they just stop” you may ask yourself. There is a thing called the phenomenon of craving, which takes over an addicted person’s … Continue reading

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Who Gets the Kids?

When people file for divorce, they need to establish a child custody arrangement to reflect their parenting decisions. Some parents may be able to work out a plan among themselves, but many parents require additional intervention from the court. Whether … Continue reading

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