Category Archives: Uncategorized

Avoid Disputes in Co-Parenting

Co-parenting can be difficult, and personal issues of the relationship can add to the hostility. So if is important to focus on avoiding conflicts, and making the situation as pleasant as possible. Get ahead of your anticipated disputes by designing, … Continue reading

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Prenups on the Rise

Prenups are a sensitive subject. There is of course the traditional argument that “if you really love me, you won’t ask for a prenup”. Then we all know what happens when things change. A valuable benefit of a prenup is … Continue reading

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Who Gets the Kids Right After You File?

Many people are not aware of of the concept of “temporary orders” and get a real shock when their lawyer explains what’s about to happen to them. Divorce can affect the whole family. This is particularly true if you have … Continue reading

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Same Sex Divorce

OK, so you knew it was coming. They made same sex marriage legal, so it was only a matter of time until we got same sex divorce. Same-sex divorce poses complications for some splitting couples. Refer CNBC Nov 10, 2017 … Continue reading

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Divorce Options

Most people are not aware that they have some choices when it comes to divorce. You probably think you just call your lawyer, and off you go. But if you are facing the prospect of divorce, be aware that there … Continue reading

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Divorcing an Obnoxious Mate

The divorce process isn’t easy for anyone, but when your spouse is particularly obnoxious, the entire process can be especially challenging. A narcissist is a very extreme type of personality, often characterized by egotistical, arrogant, and unfeeling characteristics. Plenty of … Continue reading

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Sticks and Stones

Words can be very powerful things. While they can’t break your bones, they can cause a lot of pain. Divorce is a really painful process anyway. You can make life less difficult for you and your ex by trying to … Continue reading

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Divorce Mediation “Pro Se”

“No Lawyer Divorce” An increasing number of couples today are choosing an uncontested approach to divorce. Even more increasing are the numbers of pro se contested divorce cases filed each year. The reasons for this are many, including the acrimony … Continue reading

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Getting Out of a Prenup

OK, so before you were married you signed this prenuptial agreement. Now, you are getting a divorce, and you’re wondering what your options are. Consider hiring an attorney. If you want to challenge a prenuptial agreement in court, then you … Continue reading

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Prenuptial Agreement

Refer the following from the Huffington Post 2/15/17. You are going to get married. You have substantial net worth. You have a business that you have built up over the years and it is now doing well. You are excited … Continue reading

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