Dating After Divorce

You may have been married for quite a while. You may have forgotten the etiquette in the decisiondating scene. Here are some tips from the Huffington Post on things not to discuss on a date.

Trashing Your Ex

Sharing your anger about an ex on a first date is a huge no-no!

He thinks if you’re talking this way about the last guy you were with… then what will you say about him should the two of you get involved then break up?

This feels pretty scary to a man!

If he asks about your ex, you can use phrases like these…

“Yes, I have one but he lives out of state.”

Or…”Yes I have one, and he was a good father to my children.”

Or “Yes, I have one and he remarried.”

Or even “Yes, I have one and he works in a specific industry.”

Your goal is to say something positive about your ex no matter how small it is, so you do not appear as negative or vindictive on a first date.

Health Issues in Detail

I remember one particular first date where a guy started telling me about his health issues within the first 10 minutes.

I heard about his breathing machine.

And his prescription drugs for his heart and blood sugar issues.

This was way too much information for a first date.

I used an exit strategy and was out of there within 10 minutes of hearing that.

And men will run too!

Why? Without an emotional attachment to you, you’ll feel like a project to him.

If a man asks you about your health (which he shouldn’t unless he’s doing the first date checklist)…you can turn it around and say in a flirting voice something like this…”Why, do I look sick?”

Remember, first dates are for meeting someone new and interesting.

They are not for grilling someone.

I promise if you stop Dating to Mate and start Dating to Date, you can have far more fun with dating.

And when you’re having fun…you appear a lot more interesting to a man than the woman who uses a checklist and spills her baggage on a first date.

Your Finances

Money is a taboo subject for a first date.

If you are in debt…and if you share this on a first date, a man thinks you’re just looking for a sugar daddy.

This will send him running.

The same thing goes for if you have a lot of money.

He may be looking for someone to take care of him.

Until you know someone better, you want to keep this information to yourself.

And remember…when you’re on a first date, the guy you’re sharing private information with is still a stranger.

Don’t share a lot of personal information with him.

What You Can Talk About On a First Date

Keep your dates light and fun.

Share interesting things about your life that you love.

Ask him about his life and come away from each date having learned one new and interesting thing about this new man.

Steven W. Hair, focuses his practice as a divorce attorney, family law attorney in Clearwater, Palm Harbor, and Safety Harbor.

For more information, visit our website at
or call (727) 726-0797.

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