Why Are You Getting a Divorce?

gamblerThere are many reasons why people get a divorce

Someone Isn’t Trying

It takes two people working together to keep it together. One person can’t do it by themselves. Marriage takes work and commitment. A lack of commitment will really contribute towards a divorce happening.

Not That Much in Common

As time goes on, your interests change. You may find that you don’t have as much in common as you to. In the early days, you had infatuation to keep you interested. As time goes by, infatuation naturally goes away. Real love is when you want to be together after the infatuation goes away. You can work to find common interests that you both enjoy.


This one is a biggie. And it’s not always the man. Twenty percent of men cheat, but 13 percent of women cheat. When this comes out in the open, it is very hard to overcome. Some people are able to work through the infidelity and get past it, but most people get divorced.

Bad Behavior

Sometimes there is abuse, physical or mental. Frequent demeaning comments can be more painful than a slap in the face. Addiction of one of the spouses can be difficult to overcome, particularly if there are financial consequences.

Regardless of the reason, perhaps you are ready to talk about a divorce. Call our office and make an appointment with Steve Hair. Steven W. Hair, focuses his practice as a divorce attorney, family law attorney in Clearwater, Palm Harbor, and Safety Harbor.

For more information, visit our website at www.FamilyLawClearwater.com
or call (727) 726-0797.

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