Category Archives: Uncategorized

Are You Ready for Divorce

refer Huffington Post. OK, you’re in that difficult period where you’re trying to decide if you really want to pull the plug. It’s a life altering decision, and you often change your mind, back and forth. There are done thing … Continue reading

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Governor Scott vetoed Child Support Alimony Bill

All of the family lawyers in Florida have been extremely concerned about the bill passed by the Florida legislature that would have made major changes in the area of child support and alimony. Refer Ayo and Iken website. Alimony reform … Continue reading

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Biggest Cause of Divorce

If you thought that the leading cause of divorce is infidelity, you aren’t alone. That’s what most people think. You may be surprised to find that is not the case. According to a leading group of family lawyers in the … Continue reading

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Prenuptials Can Help You

When we talk about prenuptial agreements we usually think of the wealthy and famous. However, they can be really helpful to ordinary people. Any couple who brings personal or business assets to the marriage can benefit from a prenup. The … Continue reading

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Super Bowl and Drunk Spouses

According to the “Sobering Up” website,  The most dangerous place to be during Super Bowl 50 isn’t between the Denver Broncos’ star defense and Cam Newton—it’s out on the road. For many people, alcohol and Super Bowl celebrations go hand-in-hand. … Continue reading

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Modification of Court Orders

Life is constantly changing and sometimes, child custody, visitation, child support and spousal support arrangements need to change as well. To make a change, we need to show that major changes in circumstances have occurred. Have you lost your job? … Continue reading

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Can I Get Full Custody

This is one of the questions that we get all the time. First of all, the term “full custody” doesn’t exist in Florida in a legal sense. First  what is sole custody is. There is a lot of confusion among … Continue reading

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Divorce at the Holidays

The holidays are an unusually emotional and stressful time anyway. If this is your first holiday since your divorce, you are probably going to have some challenges. Thanks for advice from the Self Growth Community. Begin by knowing that more … Continue reading

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How Much Child Support Will I Pay

Most issues are settled at the time that the divorce decree is final, but child support and issues surrounding it may go on for years after the divorce is final. Each state has it’s own laws and guidelines on how … Continue reading

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Accept Being Single

Being part of a good divorce attorney is giving advice to your clients. In order to adapt to your new way of life, if is good if you can work towards accepting being single. Some jump from one relationship to … Continue reading

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