Category Archives: Uncategorized

Getting Divorced? – take a trip

A trip can help you develop a new attitude. Refer the Las Angeles Times. PEOPLE sometimes take trips for deep reasons. They’re turning 50 and feel compelled to see Florence; they’ve just recovered from an illness and want to trek … Continue reading

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Casinos to check for Child Support

Refer Chicago Tribune The Tribune’s story on proposed legislation that would require casinos to check on whether big winners owe past due child support (“As others head off deadbeats at casinos, Illinois stands pat” Oct. 04) did not accurately convey … Continue reading

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Sexless Marriage – What to Do

refer Chicago Tribune, June 5 2008 When one partner in a marriage doesn’t want sex, what are options? What do you do when you’re married and your partner doesn’t want to have sex any more? What’s the answer? If counseling … Continue reading

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Debate Over Child Custody

refer Chicago Tribune June 1, 2014 Illinois joins debate over child custody disputes It has been a decade since Richard Thomas was locked in a contentious divorce battle. But the years have not dimmed the emotional toll of ending a … Continue reading

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Using an Outside Agency to Collect Child Support

Chicago Tribune,  Lisa Black, Oct. 24, 2013 You would probably consider using a collection agency to collect a business debt. Why not consider using an outside agency to collect child support? According to the Chicago Tribune, Lee Ann Verzi just … Continue reading

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How to Pick a Divorce Lawyer

What exactly do you need to know before you hire a lawyer? Here are some questions to ask before you write a retainer check or sign on the dotted line. The following information was published through “Family Education” Concerning general … Continue reading

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Men need to smarten up in Divorce

Refer Chicago Tribune February 01, 2011 Q: Why do men need gender-specific advice about not making stupid mistakes when facing divorce? A: Technically, any of the 10 items below can pertain to either gender. However, you find these mistakes occurring … Continue reading

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What Is Legal Custody?

article by Molly Murphy The court orders and believes that both parents should promote a relationship with the other parent. Each parent recognizes that the best interest of the children requires that he/she allow the children to love the other … Continue reading

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One in five American divorces now involve Facebook

By David Gardner December 2, 2010 Daily Mail Online It used to be the tell-tale lipstick on the collar. Then there were the give-away texts that spelled the death knell for many marriages.But now one in five divorces involve the … Continue reading

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Rights and Duties of Landlords

article by Edward Johnson, October 2011 When you rent a house or apartment to another person, you enter into a legal contract known as a landlord-tenant relationship. This contract has certain basic conditions set by law that you should understand … Continue reading

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